05 November 2014

Software Architecture Fundamentals, Part 1, Understanding the Basics, Video, Neal Ford, Mark Richards

Software Architecture Fundamentals Part 1
Understanding the Basics
By Neal Ford, Mark Richards


Extensive video from two known Architects (book Authors: Neal Ford, Mark Richards) coaching about their experience and providing best practices and analyzing study cases in how to become a Software Architect.

It goes straight to the point, why do you want to become an Architect: better income, finally better salaries makes some roles more interesting, and what it requires for it.

It has plenty of good sentences, Some of of them:
  • "Often Negotiation and politics skills are more important than Technical Skills"
  • "The world best architectures are not the perfect ones, but rather the feasible ones"
  • "Design Patterns often have different approach to Functional Thinking"

Also it's discussed: documentation is very important, as seen in different paradigms, and college courses, however, as Agile manifesto mentions: "Working software over comprehensive documentation", then "codebase is the core":
  • "our blue print is the source code"
  • "compilation is building"
  • "software design is expensive"

So, the idea is to reflex about how to build easily and in a cheap way, coding is a complex task and very easily to obtain a wrong artifact.

As seen, this video gives full a great feedback, where many times I had to stop a replay many passages.

In the other hand, there is a great emphasis about soft skills, politics, and how a project can be feasible regarding these features.

At the end, an excellent introduction to different aspects of Software Architecture, including its different specialization, but always keeping a big picture view.

Corollary: Very clever coaching.

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