06 August 2010

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA)

Varias veces me han pregunto he insistido respecto la certificación Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA). La mayoria cree que se necesitan todos los certificados especificos de J2EE.

Como se ve en la figura (y pueden rectificar en la página), no tiene ningun requisito para poder tomarlo. Claro esta que no se recomienda ya que abarca todos los temas especializados.

Lo que si es diferente es que la forma de desarrollo del examen es diferente, cual consta de 3 partes: Examen, Proyecto, Ensayo. Mas parecido a una memoria de pre-grado.

02 August 2010

Neo-vintage 2: Pagination in Struts... JSTL implementation

Many times I have needed to use an pagination for many data to be shown in my page, however there is no a good Tag implemented for Struts and not as JSF that has components for it..

There is a good encapsulation with the great library DisplayTag, but this one doesn't give too much freedom to create different things, thus this approach is more flexible.

Finally searching for the web I found a simple JSTL pagination, where you can give a collection of data and at level of presentation parse it and embedded with html and javascript we can get the final pagination that we wish.http://web.archive.org/web/20071213001753/http://www.ekcsoft.com/jstl/content/paginate/ (it is no longer alive).

It has a small bug when the collection is empty therefore the totalCount is zero.

It can be put inside Struts without problems, below can see code of it,:
<c:set var="totalCount" scope="session" value="${queryResults.rowCount}"/>
    <c:set var="perPage" scope="session" value="20"/>
    <c:set var="totalPages" scope="session" value="${totalCount/perPage}"/>
    <c:set var="pageIndex" scope="session" value="${param.start/perPage+1}"/>

   <c:if test="${!empty param.start && param.start >(perPage-1) && param.start !=0 }">
          <a href="?start=<c:out value="${param.start - perPage}"/>">Prev </a>

        end="${totalCount - 1}"
            <c:when test="${status.count>0 && status.count != pageIndex}">
                             <a href="?start=<c:out value='${boundaryStart}'/>">
                                <c:out value="${status.count}"/> |
                <c:out value="${status.count}"/> |

    <c:if test="${empty param.start || param.start<(totalCount-perPage)}">
          <a href="?start=<c:out value="${param.start + perPage}"/>">Next </a>

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