27 September 2019

Deuda Técnica


A mess is not a technical debt. A mess is just a mess. Technical debt decisions are made based on real project constraints. They are risky, but they can be beneficial. The decision to make a mess is never rational, is always based on laziness and unprofessionalism, and has no chance of paying of in the future. A mess is always a loss. (Uncle Bob)



En los 2 primeros ejemplos de Dag, la deuda tecnica siempre se basa en un diseño profesional y correcto, no la flojera o al no-profesionalismo que Uncle Bob describe.

I agree with Uncle Bob that this is usually a reckless debt, because people underestimate where the DesignPayoffLine is.


hay 2 curvas por agregar deuda tecnica y time to market.

al final el buen diseño es para obtener mas rapidez en el desarrollo (y mejor calidad).


Thread CPU time

A Java virtual machine implementation may support measuring the CPU time for the current thread, for any thread, or for no threads.The isThreadCpuTimeSupported() method can be used to determine if a Java virtual machine supports measuring of the CPU time for any thread. The isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported() method can be used to determine if a Java virtual machine supports measuring of the CPU time for the current thread. A Java virtual machine implementation that supports CPU time measurement for any thread will also support that for the current thread.
The CPU time provided by this interface has nanosecond precision but not necessarily nanosecond accuracy.
A Java virtual machine may disable CPU time measurement by default. The isThreadCpuTimeEnabled() and setThreadCpuTimeEnabled(boolean) methods can be used to test if CPU time measurement is enabled and to enable/disable this support respectively. Enabling thread CPU measurement could be expensive in some Java virtual machine implementations.





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