14 August 2018

Stuck Threads summary

base_domain -> Environment -> Servers -> Server -> Configuration/Tuning:  Stuck Thread Max Time: 600
Stuck Thread Max Time
The number of seconds that a thread must be continually working before this server considers the thread stuck.
For example, if you set this to 600 seconds, WebLogic Server considers a thread to be "stuck" after 600 seconds of continuous use.
In Web Logic Server 9.x and later, it is recommended that you use the ServerFailureTriggerMBean in the OverloadProtectionMBean. The ServerFailureTriggerMBean transitions the server to a FAILED state after the specified number of stuck threads are detected. The OverloadProtectionMBean has options to suspend or shutdown a failed server.
MBean Attribute:

base_domain -> Environment -> Servers -> Server -> Configuration/Overload:  Failure Action
Failure Action
Enable automatic forceshutdown of the server on failed state. The server self-health monitoring detects fatal failures and mark the server as failed. The server can be restarted using NodeManager or a HA agent.

base_domain -> Environment -> Servers -> Server -> Configuration/Overload:  Stuck Thread Count
Stuck Thread Count
The number of stuck threads after which the server is transitioned into FAILED state. There are options in OverloadProtectionMBean to suspend and shutdown a FAILED server. By default, the server continues to run in FAILED state.
If the StuckThreadCount value is set to zero then the server never transitions into FAILED server irrespective of the number of stuck threads.
base_domain -> Environment -> Servers -> Server -> Configuration/Overload:  Max Stuck Thread Time:

Max Stuck Thread Time
The number of seconds that a thread must be continually working before this server diagnoses the thread as being stuck.
For example, if you set this to 600 seconds, WebLogic Server considers a thread to be "stuck" after 600 seconds of continuous use.
MBean Attribute: ServerFailureTriggerMBean.MaxStuckThreadTime

-->   ServerFailureTriggerMBean.MaxStuckThreadTime >>  ServerMBean.StuckThreadMaxTime

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