07 December 2020

API Integrations Summary

The concept of API integrations is broad. This must consider a function and non-functional requirements (today called quality attributes).

There several ways to integrate to an API

One way that integrating with third-party, or partner, APIs can be easier is by using a client or SDK. API clients handle much of the overhead when interacting with an API. They can handle common tasks like:

  • Authentication
  • Error handling
  • Encoding requests and parsing responses
  • Simplifying requests
  • Offering a better user experience than direct usage
  1. API integration of workflow !
  2. different user story --> workflows !

Track performance

The work isn’t over once you set up your API integrations. While we all would like to “set and forget” an integration, the truth is that any dependency is also a liability. You can start by monitoring your API usage. Specifically, here are the metrics we think are the most important:

  •     Latency
  •     Response Time
  •     Availability
  •     Consumption
  •     Failure Rate
  •     Status Codes


  1. https://blog.cloud-elements.com/10-step-guide-designing-api-integration
  2. https://www.infoq.com/articles/api-first-integration/
  3. https://blog.bearer.sh/api-integration-best-practices/

Modern C for Absolute Beginners

Technical proofed/reviewed:

Modern C for Absolute Beginners
A Friendly Introduction to the C Programming Language


Authors: Dmitrovic, Slobodan

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