17 September 2014

Eclipse: HTTP Proxy Authentication Required

Eclipse Luna 4.4.0 has a bug when using Proxy to contact to Internet:
(upgrade to 4.4.1 --> Luna SR1)

HTTP Proxy Authentication Required: http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases/compositeContent.xml
HTTP Proxy Authentication Required: http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases/compositeContent.xml
Proxy Authentication Required

This is a known bug:


A functional workaround is:
(provided in the first URL)

Scott Lewis CLA 2014-07-08 17:51:00 EDT
I've created an updated version of the ECF httpclient4 provider that uses Apache
Httpclient 4.1 (used in Kepler) rather than Apache Httpclient 4.2 (used in Luna 
and the apparent source of this regression).

For those that are experiencing this proxy problem, this update may allow you to
 use your proxy, especially if Kepler (Apache 4.1) install/update worked for you.
 If it *does* work in some of your environments, then it would suggest that the problem
 is not with proxy configuration, but rather with Apache httpclient 4.2 deployed as part
 of Luna.  OTOH if this does not fix things for you, then it may very well be a
 configuration issue.

Disclaimer:  Installing this update, and going back to using an older version of
 httpclient4, could break other plugins.  Even if it works in your environment, 
please do not use it in a production environment unless you are quite sure that
 nothing else is broken by it (e.g. Mylyn).  Also, this repo is not signed so please
 do not redistribute it.  If you are not experiencing any problem wrt this bug,
 please do not install it.

People on this bug who install and try this in their proxy environment please report
 back with what happens via a new comment on this bug.   Since I do not have an
 environment to reproduce this apparent httpclient4 version-specific problem, I must 
depend upon people on this bug that do have such an environment for diagnosis.

Instructions for installation:

1) Download this zip:


2) Unzip the contents to your local disk

3) Start Eclipse Luna.  

4) Choose Help->Install New Software->Add...

5) Name:  ECF 3.9.0 Httpclient4 Update

6) Select Local... button on right and navigate your local filesystem to where
 you unzipped the contents to in step 2

7) Navigate into the /archive/site.p2 directory and choose OK

8) There should be a single 'Uncategorized' item in the user Install dialog.
 Select this check box (and all sub-items)

9) Choose Next and step through the remaining wizard pages to finish the install

10) Restart Eclipse when prompted

Then please try to install something into Eclipse.  Whether this works for you
 or not, it would be helpful for you to report your experiences here with as
 much detail as possible.



Unknown said...

Hi Gérman

Eclipse don't complete the installation. It says that are newer version of the component.
Did you know how can I solve this?

Thanks in advance

Germán said...

try using the same version of dependencies that your component requires (and not newer version). Usually, this generates problems.

Unknown said...


But let me know, what the version of eclipse did you use to install the httppclient4_3.9.0?

After this, you can update anything, even the IDE Core?

Unknown said...


But let me know, what the version of eclipse did you use to install the httppclient4_3.9.0?

After this, you can update anything, even the IDE Core?

Germán said...

I used Eclipse Luna 4.4.0

And yes you can update components later. Eclipse should warn you if there is any inconsistency.

Unknown said...

It worked! Thank you!

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