12 March 2015

Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning

Fe de Errata

Small Errata for Hardcover First Edition of Wonders of Numbers

page 205, boxed equation, Chapter 89, near bottom: "c" should be superscripted

page 358, Chapter 89, 2nd line in Further Exploring: "c" should be superscripted

page 216, Chapter 95, line 3, missing upside-down F symbol. Should read "F(24)" not "(24)", where the "F" is the upside-down symbol. Similarly line 2 should read "Let's define a new function F(n)."

page 262, figure drawing error. Line segment misplaced. Figure 114.1 should have a line connecting point B to the dot directly to the the left instead of the line from the point below B to the point directly to the left.

page 374, figure drawing error. Line segment misplaced. Figure 114.1 should have a line connecting point B to the dot directly to the the left instead of the line from the point below B to the point directly to the left.
page 94, Equation 10 towards the bottom of the page is missing an italics "i" before the "sin".
page 379, it says " 9 + 9 + 999 = 1000 " should be " 9/9 + 999 = 1000 " 


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